in niche company

World is becoming more and more niche. People make more conscious decisions and become part of movements or groups that fit their needs. We want to give such brands and communities attention that they truly deserve.

niche products

  • Story of Tablecloth

    Story of Tablecloth sews shirts from old tablecloths, where every piece is an original.

  • Studio ROOF

    Wall design objects that spark the imagination are made from recycled cardboard.

  • Angry Pablo

    Cycling as a sport is becoming less and less accessible and more and more about image.

  • Designer Eva Blut and her bags

    Eva Blut reforms the bag and alters the way you look at what a bag can be.

  • Frameworks Berlin

    Frameworks Berlin elevates old craftsmanship of framing pictures.

  • Vysiju - Czech tradition

    Eliška from Vysiju is rooting for anyone who isn't afraid to revive traditions.

  • Milk Away

    Aurélie behind Milk Away styles all breastfeeding on-the-go moms in the world.

Our latest story

Sophie Kugel and her colorful dance through art

Sophie transforms the way we see and experience art by wearing clothes that match the colors and patterns in the artwork.